Articles on


Generation Z

Retailers Beware: Generation Z’s Financial Woes

Generation Z's financial struggles and debts shape their budget-focused spending habits, prompting retail innovation opportunities.
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Shein’s IPO Woes

Learn more about the fast-fashion online retail phenomenon, Shein, and why it is struggling to find a home for its IPO.
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Shrinkflation Makes it to the State of the Union Address

Shrinkflation is making national headlines. Not the least of which was on March 7th, during President Biden’s State of the Union Address when he directly ...
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R.I.P.– Bankrupt Brands Spell Trouble for Beauty

Call it the Great Reckoning. After a few consecutive years of suspiciously explosive growth in the indie beauty scene, an era when virtually everyone you ...
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Emerging Renaissance of European Malls

The argument is simple: malls may not be the income powerhouses they once were but we’re still enduring their pain. Malls have been through the ...
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Hong Kong Bay Area Blues

Many (Western) China watchers have been foretelling the economic decline and collapse of the world’s second-largest economy for decades. This outlook, often fueled by a ...
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Q4: Opportunities and Challenges for Retailers

Many retailers count on holiday sales for 20 to 30 percent of their annual sales, with some stores deriving even more annual revenue from the ...
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The Birkenstock IPO Flop

Despite all the pre-IPO hype that the listing of Birkenstock shares would rival the meteoric launches of other household footwear names like Nike, Crocs, and ...
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