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What Do Zuckerberg, Musk and SBF (Who?) Have in Common?

Zuck, Musk and SBF: What do these entrepreneurs have in common? A large dose of hubris, ultimately soaring to failure. And they are not alone. ...
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Retail Could Have Been a Game Changer at CGI

Some use the moniker ‘Davos-on-Hudson’ to describe the Clinton Global Initiative – better known colloquially as ‘CGI’ by global movers and shakers. But no matter ...
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Dress Codes Are Back, But Consumer Response Is Mixed

Retail operates like a pendulum. For years, the fashion pendulum has been swinging towards the hyper-casual. I wrote about the alleged “death of athleisure” as ...
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Learning from Collusion: The Gen Z Darling Brand

Want to see a brand that embodies every single facet of the next-gen purchasing ethos? Look no further than Collusion, the most successful brand in ...
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A Closer Look at Retail & Labor in Inflationary Times

As the former owner and CEO of Murray’s Cheese and a veteran supermarket executive, I feel compelled to weigh in on the current economy with ...
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Walmart and Target: Canaries in the Coal Mine?

If Walmart and Target are canaries in the retail coal mine, maybe there’s a third canary in the economic coal mine named Elon Musk who ...
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Sephora and Kohl’s: Mismatched?

The groundbreaking Sephora and JC Penney collaboration has ended. And then just as quickly, Kohl’s tripled down on their in-store Sephoras, with plans to expand ...
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Unexpected Unkowns

So, if you think what is swirling around the world is just more complicated and painful than normal times, and that we will once again ...
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