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Home Depot Redefines a Retail Radical

During the pandemic, the home retail category had a field day. It was a heady time during a maddening and confusing time in most people’s ...
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Dollar…and Change

The dollar store has always played a fascinating role in the American retailing business. Often the only place to shop for many items in large ...
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The Missing Billions

Going green is a big selling point for consumers and businesses alike, with many moving away from companies that don’t share their sustainability values. As people ...
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Putting Black Friday 2022 in Context

Last year saw a resurgence of retail foot traffic, as consumers were excited by the easing of Covid restrictions and looking to spend their stimulus ...
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One Size Does Not Fit All at Ikea Anymore

Ikea, the retailer known for those gargantuan shopping emporiums out on the edge of town, is in the midst of a retail reinvention to rethink ...
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Chexit: The Great March Out of China

You could call it the ultimate Chinese take-out order: American companies are in the process of an unprecedented migration out of China, seeking new places ...
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How Web3, NFTs & the Metaverse Fit in With Fashion

The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) recently announced it will be celebrating its upcoming 60th anniversary by “looking to the future” with a ...
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This is How Fashion Can Help America Recycle

The slogan “reduce, reuse, recycle” has been around for decades. But it’s only more recently that the fashion industry has begun examining how such actions ...
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