
Roberto Ramos

Global. Funny. Visionary. And more. Paco is the son of an American Diplomat. He grew up in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, before returning to the U.S. for high school. He attended Columbia University and Ehwa University, in Seoul, Korea before getting his undergraduate degree from Vassar College. He has spent the past 40 years as an inventor of tools to understand human behavior and predict the future.

marketplace disruptions

5 Cultural Marketplace Disruptions

We’re going to be navigating a Wild Reckoning in 2024. This is the result of the upheaval of shifting sociocultural and business tectonic plates, tech ...
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New Luxury

New Luxury Redefines the Market

Understanding the evolving luxury market is redefining its main trading currency: desire. New luxury’s image is shifting to become more inviting, humane, creative, engaging, subtle, ...
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The Culture Power Brand. Designing Brands That Move People.

We are living in extraordinary times as we come out of a once-in-a-lifetime collective reset. And as we heal, recalibrate, and seek joy, we are ...
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A Forward Look 2021

We will be in reset mode in 2021. The past decade was characterized by a predictable digital wave putting the consumer front and center in ...
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FlexState: Thriving in the Age of Disruption

In a world of increasing algorithm-driven precision, instability is still ironically, or perhaps understandably, a persistent form of normal. It seems that shocks to the ...
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Streaming Style: How Netflix Can Save Retail

Netflix has made the personal journey into storytelling more addictive than ever. Binge watching is a real thing, serving as the perfect antidote to our ...
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The Cultural Mic Drop: Harnessing the Power of When

It takes precise intuition to own a conversation these days. In a sea of re-tweets and short-lived news cycles, there is power in making a ...
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In the Day of Digital, Retail’s Very Human Problem

We have all been there. The minute you decide to abandon the items you were thinking of buying because of a long line. Or the ...
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