
Kate Newlin

Kate is a “brand whisperer.” She’s able to hear the voices of the consumer, the culture, and the company, find where they speak in unison and unleash the power of your brand. Better yet, she knows how to bring a room to its feet, moved from engrossed to engaged to excited and ready to put her insights into action. She is the principal and founder of Kate Newlin Consulting and author of Shopportunity! How to Be a Retail Revolutionary, an ‘Oprah Selects’ and a Harvard Business Review recommended ‘book to read.’ Both books are taught in business schools throughout the country. Her consulting practice is integrally involved in developing Web3 business strategies for a wide cross-section of sectors, spanning Vans to Yum! Prior to starting her company in 2001, Kate was president of Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve. She is a true believer in both the concept of business as a force for good and the mission-critical role it must play in the emerging social landscape. She is a frequent speaker at retail and luxury marketing meetings and is often interviewed by trade and national media for her perspectives on the emerging marketspace.

What If We Reimagined Retail?

I offer you a cautionary tale. Let us take a moment in the waning days of yet another summer we cannot bear to admit is ...
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CPG Faces a Crisis of Conscience

By now we all know the adage, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks a nail.” Our familiarity with the saying does not ...
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Otherworld Retail

Do your eyes glaze over when you hear the term “metaverse?” Maybe Covid updates or supply chain bottlenecks are more riveting. Or comp-store sales versus ...
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Retail in a Transitional Crisis

A few years ago I worked with Godiva Chocolatiers on a new loyalty initiative to take it beyond spontaneous purchases and holiday whirlwinds at its ...
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Small Businesses at Risk

An informal survey of fashion, retail, communications, and innovation gurus suggests to me that if leaders genuinely want the economy to roar back and remain ...
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Betting Big on Going Bigger

The other afternoon on Dateline White House on MSNBC, Nicole Wallace mused with a female guest about what will happen when they can go outside ...
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The New Consumer Faces an Anxious Future

Conventional wisdom insists the world as we’ve come to know it this past year balances precariously on a polarizing precipice: economic instability vs. the stock ...
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The Winter of Our Discontent

Sometimes it helps to stand back and look for the big truths hiding in plain sight amidst massive mounds of little insights, false positives, mistaken ...
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