
Jasmine Glasheen

Jasmine Glasheen is a go-to retail and SaaS Content Strategist. With over a decade of thought leadership for top-tier retail news sites and fashion publications, she’s the powerhouse behind custom content strategies, blogs, and whitepapers for retail-adjacent businesses. Glasheen is a frequent public speaker and podcast guest, sharing insights on generational purchasing behavior for clients including Perry Ellis International, NRF, Ohio State University, NYIT, Syracuse University, ASD Market Week, and many others. In the Wild West of SEO and AI-generated content, Glasheen doesn’t just navigate – she conquers. She likens the AI revolution to the eCommerce boom of the early aughts: “You either adapt or get bowled over by the tides of change.”

2021 Forecast: Next Gens in a Brand-New World

Gen Z is in dire straits. They’re facing the second major economic recession of their lifetimes. They’re spending a year of their formative teens trapped ...
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The Great Retail Simplification

Remember when everyone was talking about the great retail “bifurcation?” The gap between discount and luxury retail was the trending topic up until a year ...
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Establishing Credibility with Next-Gen Consumers

Trust is paramount when selling to a generation that lists “shared values” above all other brand attributes but price. However, establishing trust with next-gens is ...
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Pandemic Fashion: We May Never Wear Real Clothes Again

Not much of coronavirus’ impact on the fashion industry was predictable. Sure, sweatpants did eclipse evening gown sales and lipstick took a nosedive, as expected; ...
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Where Curbside Pickup Goes Wrong

Curbside pickup at many major retailers isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Yet this hasn’t prevented customers from using the service during Covid-19. The ...
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What to Do About Gen Z’s Consumer Power

Generation Z never did what marketers told them to. This is especially true when it comes to where they spend their hard-earned cash during a ...
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Finally…The Death of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion was the trend that wouldn’t die. While consumers were concerned about product quality, as well as the environmental and ethical issues surrounding the ...
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Brands Masterfully Navigating the Social Issues of Our Time

The urban and suburban landscapes are becoming increasingly surreal. Thousands of retail store closures and Main Street vacancies are sweeping the nation, as coronavirus pulverizes ...
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