Dana Wood

Dana Wood has been writing about alpha hydroxy acids, tinted moisturizer, and deep conditioner for decades — and she’s more than okay with that. Kicking off her career as a cub reporter on the beauty desk of WWD, she logged 20 years at Condé Nast, overseeing the beauty departments of three publications. In the middle of that glossy mag stint, she decamped to L’Oréal, as AVP Strategic Development for the French beauty behemoth’s Luxe division. In that role, she was tasked with trend analysis, copywriting and providing research support for pivotal American indie brand acquisitions. (Bonjour, Kiehl’s!) Since relocating from NYC to Florida, she has written extensively for The Wall Street Journal and Alexa, the luxury style section of The New York Post. In addition to The Robin Report, she’s a regular contributor to BeautyMatter and Insider’s Guide to Spas. When not at her desk, she can be found cursing herself on the tennis courts of The Racquet Club of St. Pete.