The Robin Report hosted its annual Advisory Board dinner last week. About 40 of the industry’s C-level leaders gathered at the Acquavit Restaurant for an evening of relaxed networking and learning. Each one could be considered the smartest person in the room. But, I must say they all took away some new knowledge from futurist Jared Weiner, EVP at the Future Hunters. Incredibly provocative thoughts were shared, leading to a robust Q&A.
The other standout moves this week, at least in my opinion, were the decisions made by Walmart, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Target, Kohl’s and many other retailers to variously increase the age requirement for purchasing guns to 21, to stop selling assault weapons (which Walmart stopped three years ago), and other major corporations who have severed their ties to the NRA. Perhaps this leadership move by some of our biggest corporations to do the “right thing,” combined with the awesome strength and tenacity of the #neveragain youth movement, who refuse to inherit the mess we have made, will begin to make some of the major changes our country so badly needs.
And, don’t forget to register for the Retail Radicals breakfast at Shoptalk. Hey! Click here, or on the banner in the sidebar, for an invitation.